
We perched atop an empty plinth
With each other to lean against
Lust between our lips
Your voice sweet enough


To reach the spot inside of me
That ached for something true
Didn’t want to get down too soon,
But you moved too smooth.
Your skin wore the moon in ink, and
I let stars convince me.


To let you inside
a backyard that wasn’t mine
You’re Adam, I’m Eve, and
The sun rose over Eden


An addict, true
I wanted more too soon.


Circumstance wouldn’t let me latch to you
I built a shelter, bullet proof.
Dancing with you was a game, emotions few.
We flirt. We text. We drink. We screw.


In Eden again, moonlight hits skin.
In a deck chair, red
We rock until plastic arms
leave me bruised.


Marks on my thighs
Keep you in my mind’s eye.
Without goodbye or excuse,
You flew the coop.


It’s late summer again.
The moon is full.
I’m hungry again
For a slice of you.


The only man I’ve loved
without the shelter of a roof
Will you hit my phone again
Before the moon returns new?


JGT is an artist and writer who is intrigued and inspired by the city of New Orleans. Stars and grandmothers are closest to her heart, but she usually ends up writing about men. She is currently working on a chapbook, Heartworm.   You can read more of her poetry here!

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Big Easy Magazine

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