New Orleans Stands Up Against Radical Pro-Life Movie

The fight for female reproductive freedom is far from over. In fact, as Republicans fight to whip up enough votes to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the larger fight over reproductive freedoms may be just beginning. Although recent reports state that Kavanaugh holds the Roe v. Wade decision as settled law, that hardly makes it a closed matter.

After all, the Supreme Court has overturned its own decisions 236 times since its inception. And while Kavanaugh has only ruled in one abortion decision in his time on the bench, his decision in that case tells us a lot about his thoughts on abortion. Essentially, he stated that while the Constitution protects a woman’s right to choose, the government may apply “reasonable regulations that do not impose an undue burden.” This suggests that while he may not vote to overturn the original Roe v. Wade decision, he may uphold government-imposed regulations and restrictions that make it more difficult to obtain an abortion.

It’s no wonder that many women’s rights activists are concerned.

And in the midst of all of this controversy, a radically pro-life movie began filming in New Orleans over the summer. The movie began filming under the working title “1973,” and seems to be as mired in as much controversy as the original Supreme Court decision the movie hopes to depict.

The problems began with getting the movie funded. Both Kickstarter and another crowdfunding platform refused to allow the film’s makers to raise money for the project.

Within weeks of beginning fliming, the movie’s director, assistant director, actors Kevin Sorbo and Stephen Baldwin, and much of the crew had walked off set. Why? Because they were lied to about the scope of the film’s content. While they were told that the film was simply a somewhat pro-life project offering a new take on the Roe V. Wade decision. It is far more. It’s a radically pro-life film, so extreme in its depiction that it includes scenes of aborted fetuses.

In fact, the movie has had so much trouble hiring actors and crew, they stopped sending out copies of the script to potentials – keeping the entire thing under wraps until the employees began working on set. Understandably, many were shocked when they arrived on set and became privy to the film’s true nature.

And that’s not the only trouble they’ve had. Although the movie is now being directed by screenwriter and Tulane University alumnus, Nick Loeb, the university refused him access to the campus for filming once they got wind of what the project was about. Louisiana State University also refused him access. In fact, several locations around the Greater New Orleans area have refused the film access.

I’m proud of our people, universities and city locations for their stance against this movie. Any film undertaking such a radically negative depiction of women’s reproductive rights does not deserve to have our beautiful city as its backdrop. If you’re going to produce such a film, don’t try to hide what it is – and don’t expect a largely progressive city like New Orleans to welcome you with open arms.

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