I’m very pleased with the direction Big Easy Magazine is going, and I’m very grateful for our talented writers, devoted readers and followers and to our sponsors who help to sustain our message.
Within a span of only four months, we’ve garnered nearly 4,700 Facebook likes and followers. During that time, we’ve seen our monthly page views more than triple from 4,000 in the first month to over 16,000 page views in the fourth month. This month, we are on pace to break another record. The energy is palpable.
Just a couple weeks ago, we broke the story about the Mayor of Kenner issuing a ban on Nike products, which achieved a reach of over 38,000 with over 1200 Facebook reactions with hundreds of shares and comments. The engagement is off the charts and the energy is real. We look forward to working with members in the local community as we continue to expand.
We’ve interviewed key progressive public figures including Saints linebacker Demario A Davis, Congressional candidates Jim Francis and Tammy Savoie for Congress, Ashton Woods, Lynda Woolard, and Melanie Oubre. We are establishing key relationships making key connections. I’m so proud of our writers, and I’m so happy with the engagement and feedback we have received from our readers and followers.
Big Easy Magazine is simply capturing a progressive movement that is underway. We applaud the efforts of all New Orleanians who are fighting the status quo, and we are proud to tell your story.
Every day, we are striving to get better. I would like to thank our team of writers for their hard work and devotion. Our writers are committed, passionate, dedicated, progressive and motivated. We share values of love, kindness, compassion, unity, diversity, and inclusiveness. In covering issues such as race, environmental injustice, local cultural interest pieces, the Saints, social issues, marijuana reform, LGBTQ rights, women rights, and other important local issues through a progressive lens, we have successfully established ourselves as the online home for progressive New Orleans. We are doing big things and we believe the sky is the limit.
Soon we will be making key organizational shifts to better position ourselves to compete on a national level.
Like Nike, we aren’t afraid of who we are, and we aren’t afraid to speak up for equality, justice and fairness to all. We are true to our brand. We are “unapologetically progressive and uniquely New Orleans. If you haven’t already subscribed, please go to bigeasymagazine.com and do so.
Stay tuned for more great things to come.
Unapologetically progressive,
Scott Ploof, Founder, CEO and Publisher