Orleans Parish Democratic Executives Request Kavanaugh Investigation

Nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assault isn’t just a controversy in Washington DC; it’s now a serious local issue with New Orleans Democratic Party officials.

At 8:30 PM, in a closed-door meeting at Orleans Civil District Court, the Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee passed Resolution R-18-1, “Resolution in Full Support of Full Investigation of Allegations of Sexual Assault by United State Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh.” The Resolution cites a 2017 statement from Senator Chuck Grassley, the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee saying, “In the wake of so many scandals and reports of sexual harassment around the country, it’s critical that we continue to do everything we can to prevent it.” The committee concurs with Grassley’s statement. The resolution requests a full investigation of the allegations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh by the United States Judiciary Committee.

The resolution points out that, “…since the nomination mounting evidence and allegations of the Nominee’s sexual conduct, including possible crimes, has come to the attention of the American public.”

Aylin Acikalin, an elected member of the committee requested the adoption of the resolution and also asked for a full investigation by the FBI.

Briefly stepping out of the meeting, Acikalin informed Big Easy Magazine that not only had the resolution passed but that, “It passed unanimously without deliberation.” Indicating the severity of Kavanaugh’s situation, the Resolution points out, “…at least three women have come forward with allegations and evidence that…Kavanaugh engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct and possible criminal activity.”

While OPDEC members cannot decide the process for this on a national level, as local executives, it’s likely that the resolution will be taken seriously by members of Congress. Not only will the Senate be contacted, but the Resolution will also be forwarded to President Trump, the Chair of the Louisiana Democratic party, and members of the Louisiana Congressional Delegation.

Since the #MeToo movement began, many people who once hid their trauma and despair from sexual assault, are finally speaking out. The Resolution notes that one in five women and one in seventy-one men will be raped at some point in their lives. At least locally, victims are being heard and taken seriously.

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