Past policies, beyond bickering and right at the doorstep of our inner child, this is The Progressive’s Weekend!
That’s my honest to goodness reaction to this Kavanaugh business. My right eye has been twitching in the recent hours since his fiery testimony, and it still bothers me – the eye and the potential supreme court justice, I mean. What joy can be found in the world now, fellow progressives? What is there to enjoy and to relish?
In New Orleans, there’s plenty.
Slap a silly smile on your face and get ready for our recommendations on this the last weekend of September 2018!:
Entergy Cat Second Line – 940 Elysian Fields Ave on Saturday, 9/29 from 9 PM to 1 AM

Indeed, indeed. If there is anything to celebrate in this town, it’s the loss of power and of a certain mysterious feline that caused it all. According to a facebook event page by Brendan Gordon, there will be a late night second line in honor of the cat that made fools out of our beloved electric company (not that it’s hard to do). Kat-Man-Du Bawlers and DJ Ambassador Fun will attend, encouraging everyone to dress as kitten inspired characters, in mourning and in honor of one special animal.
Tuba Skinny – d.b.a. on Saturday, 9/29 at 7 PM
I’ve covered this swinging jazz krewe before, but anytime is a good time to write about their brand of brass and old-school charm. Playing year round and all over the world, Tuba Skinny has touched the hearts and ears of many New Orleanians – the homegrown and the in spirit. All of their albums are available at the band’s Bandcamp page, and I would greatly suggest purchasing some or all. Dance to the Pyramid Strut and get down at d.b.a.!
Marketing & Mimosas II – Roux Maison on Sunday, 9/30 from 3 PM to 6 PM

Mimosas: It’s what business happens over, and learning about business, too. Derin Lindsey presents this Sunday afternoon event for anyone in the city interested in sprucing up their marketing and promotional chops. Enjoy drinks and conversation, too. Raion and DJ FTK will perform as well. Grab an RSVP and ticket asap!
Saints at Giants – Sunday, 9/30 at 3:25 PM

Of course, you may have a reason to not grab a mimosa … Our Saints play the Giants a mere week after a stunning yet tense victory. When the Saints play, NOLA tends to wind down and watch, living vicariously through the players and participating loudly and proudly. Hopefully, Brees and everyone will be able to keep the momentum going, and not just by the seat of their (and our) pants. Let’s win by large margins!
Rocky Horror Picture Show – The Prytania Theater, 9/28 – 9/30 at Midnite

Fans of the campy, ghouls of the slightly and rightly perverse and macabre, are urged to come out to the delightful Prytania this Friday and Saturday nights for screenings of the cult classic musical, the one and only Rocky Horror Picture Show. If ever there has been a popcorn in costume flick, it’s this. And in the last up and running single-screen neighborhood movie house in the city? This is a no-brainer and a sure thing, folks!
Every weekend is a progressive weekend. (Literally! Labor Unions paid for the current concept of the weekend with their very blood, sweat and tears!) Every day is full of moments that allow us to move forward and grow. And, as we say here at Big Easy Magazine, values are not meant to simply be spoken about but lived out.