Every month, we at Big Easy Magazine deliver a “to be binged” helping of feature-length articles and content, delivered on the 1st and to be enjoyed throughout the month. Politics and policy, arts and culture, music and interviews. We look to get at the heart of New Orleans today and yesteryear, in a progressive/forward-thinking manner. And this November is, of course, no exception.
It is with great pleasure that I list some highly anticipated and hotly produced pieces that we’re planning on publishing this Thursday, November 1st. Deep into the early voting phase of the mid-term election, and right after the World Series of Baseball, it’s our turn, once again, to turn heads and change hearts. To grasp attention away from online feeds and your eyes onto our writing and reporting. To put progressive New Orleans in the spotlight.
This is our November:
City STD Testing by Nolan Storey – Using personal experiences and available data, Nolan Storey will be looking into free and cheap testing/screenings for sexually transmitted diseases in NOLA. This is a topic of great importance and urgency, one reflecting public health and accountability, as well as what role insurance and/or the state should play.
Bail Reform with Demario Davis by Nicole Nixon – The great and outspoken Saint, who we’ve profiled before, will sit down with our equally outspoken writer Nicole Nixon to discuss bail reform. Often, when discussing prison and criminal change, we forget about the middlemen and departments making money in shady and unfair ways off of tragedy. Demario Davis looks to continue his local advocacy efforts with a talk on this issue.
Drinking Water Follow-up by Jesse Baum – Previously, our Jesse Baum tested our drinking water for any problems at all. Now, she’s back with more information on how much we’re wasting, what it all costs us, sinkholes, and solutions. With boil advisory after advisory plaguing our day to day routines, we don’t want things to get worse.
Homelessness by Michael David Raso – What is the state of the homeless situation in New Orleans? Housing vs population? Mental illness vs economics? Personal stories? These will be gone over in what is sure to be a passionate report.
Inclusivity in Film by Bill Arceneaux – The film industry, local, national, and worldwide, is beginning to change its tune on diversity and inclusion efforts. I interviewed area filmmaker Jonathan Jackson and NOVAC operator Darcy McKinnon on what has been happening within the city to assist in this progress, if anything has been restrictive, and what we as moviegoers can do to help.
Of course, there’ll be more articles, more photos, and more video to accompany our November Edition. We are proud of all the work our contributors and staff do, and for all the support our readers give back. Join us this November for more from Big Easy Magazine!
Bill Arceneaux has been an independent writer and film critic in the New Orleans area since 2011, working with outlets like Film Threat, DIG Baton Rouge, Crosstown Conversations and Occupy. You can see a list of Bill’s work for Big Easy Magazine here.