S&WB Employees Missing in Action During Pump Issue

One of the city’s iconic manhole covers (photo credit: pxhere.com)

Two upper-level employees of the Sewerage and Water Board were apparently missing during an outage at the Carrolton Plant last month, according to a statement given by Executive Director Ghassan Korban.

The statement was given at a City Council meeting on Monday, where he told attendees that the two employees were uncommunicative and didn’t respond during the Carrollton Plant power outage on November 17, which caused a major drop in water pressure. This led to a boil water advisory for the New Orleans East Bank (Orleans Parish).

According to Korban, although there were 10 people present at the plant at the time, the missing two were the only ones able to authorize bringing on a new pump. Both employees have been immediately suspended without pay, and one has officially resigned.

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