Deactivated Traffic Cams!

As of Jan 1, 2019, 65% of red light traffic cameras located outside of school zones have been deactivated. Mayor LaToya Cantrell announced that 20 out of 31 red light traffic cameras will no longer ticket motorists.

These school zone cameras are a part of Cantrell’s restructuring plan: school zone cameras will operate only during school zone hours. The cameras that are functional have been adjusted to ticket during the hours of 7 am to 9 am and 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm. Additionally, they will only ticket on days that school is in session.

Mayor Cantrell intends to uphold the safety benefits of having traffic cameras. She says, “the cameras that have been turned off are in some instances located at intersections where other cameras may remain operational. In these locations, only motorists traveling in the direction of the operational camera will be ticketed but signage will remain posted around the intersection.”


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Big Easy Magazine

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