According to Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials, 2,200 people have been quarantined after being exposed to the mumps virus at two immigration detention facilities.
The quarantine began on March 7th at the Louisiana Pine Prairie facility, and the facility in Aurora, Colorado and is expected to last until April 1.
Although mumps is very rare, among those who are not vaccinated it can spread quickly through sneezing, coughing, and talking. Symptoms include fever, headache, swollen glands, muscle aches, and pain when eating.
Many immigrant advocates have raised concern recently regarding the quality of medical care available at immigration detention facilities. According to a statement given to AP News by Elizabeth Jordan of the Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center said, “Neglect, I think, is not really strong enough to describe what’s happening in there.”
There are 300 detainees quarantined at the Pine Prairie facility according to spokesman Bryan D. Cox. He also stated that the facility’s 18 quarantined detainees still have access to dining and outdoor recreation, as long as they stay with only the people they are quarantined with. They are allowed to meet with their attorneys but must wear a mask.
This is a breaking news story that will be updated as we have more information.
Jenn Bentley is a writer and editor originally from Cadiz, Kentucky. Her writing has been featured in publications such as The Examiner, The High Tech Society, FansShare, Yahoo News, and others. When she’s not writing or editing, Jenn spends her time raising money for Extra Life and advocating for autism awareness.