Louisiana Senate Approves Anti-Abortion Language, Denies $9 Minimum Wage

On Tuesday the Louisiana Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill to amend the state constitution to say that abortion is not considered a protected right.

The bill, which passed by a vote of 31-4 now goes back to the House for consideration due to Senate changes before being put before Louisiana voters in the fall.

In addition, Democratic Sen. Troy Carter shelved his proposal to amend the state constitution to set Louisiana’s minimum wage at $9 per hour, saying that he didn’t have the votes to pass the measure. This marks the fourth straight year a raise in the state minimum wage has been defeated.

“We give tax breaks to people who collect antique airplanes… but we can’t give the people of Louisiana a living wage. Shame on us if we continue to let this be our legacy,” Carter said.

The House labor committee killed a separate bill that would have allowed Louisiana’s cities the ability to set their own minimum wage earlier in the session.

Jenn Bentley is a writer and editor originally from Cadiz, Kentucky. Her writing has been featured in publications such as The Examiner, The High Tech Society, FansShare, Yahoo News, and others. When she’s not writing or editing, Jenn spends her time raising money for Extra Life and advocating for autism awareness.

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