In a rather bizarre Facebook post, District 9 Metairie Republican State Senator Conrad Appel attacked Essence Fest, black people, and Democrats, writing on his Facebook page, “as another Essence Festival, or should I say Democrat love fest, ends I am left to wonder if the attendees really understand what they have embraced. The black population of America is about 13%, while at the same time the white population is about 60% and other non-white populations make up the difference (about 27%)”
A conservative businessman, and a legislator since 2008, Appel seems to believe that opportunity is like a pie, only so much is available for so many. Like many other modern Republicans, he also made the claim that Democrats want open borders, a position almost no mainstream Democratic candidates have advocated for. Writing, “And this is the great irony of blind support of Democrats by African Americans. The Democrat (sic) Party has assumed the position that open borders and unlimited illegal immigration is their cause celebre’. Their logic appears to be that inviting millions of illegal immigrants into the nation will lead to pressure in the future for blanket amnesty and eventual citizenship. That, in their plan, will create an unbeatable mass of Democrat voters for the future.”
Filled with rambling statistics, Appel’s post attempts to pit whites against blacks, blacks against Hispanics, “But that inflow of non-white immigrants will swamp the native black population and accelerate the demand by these new immigrant populations to assume the roles that African Americans enjoy today.” He continued, “So as this year’s Essence Festival ends I am left to wonder why any black American would want to see acceleration to the inevitable time when other non-white citizens have the voting power to overwhelm and displace African Americans.” Adding, “But, as in the past, by block voting for Democrats and by ignoring the logic of border and immigration control offered by Republicans that is exactly what they are doing.”
The full post is linked here,, and a screen shot is below:
Michael David Raso has worked as a writer, editor, and journalist for several different publications since graduating from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. If you like this piece, you can read more of his work here.