Ever since a devastating fire in July of 2012 ruined their factory in Faubourg Marigny, Hubig’s Pies have been missing from the shelves of many a store and the hearts (and stomachs) of all New Orleanians. But finally, in a kindly twist of fate, the Louisiana economic development agency, under Gov. John Bel Edwards, approved Hubig’s for a small business loan guarantee program, thus ensuring a return of their signature pastries in the not too distant future.
The Edwards Administration released the following:
“No one embraces traditions and good food like the people of Louisiana,” Gov. Edwards said. “Hubig’s pies are as unique to Louisiana as Mardi Gras, and we welcome the return of this iconic local brand with open arms and empty stomachs. We’re happy to help support Hubig’s Pies as it revives a great culinary tradition and creates new career opportunities in Louisiana’s rich culinary heritage.”
Financing for the loan will be coordinated with Hancock Whitney Bank. No timetable is officially set for the new launch, but the wheels are in motion.
In 2013, Hubig’s was approved by the city council to build a new plant on Press St, but those plans fell through. In the years since, Haydel’s Bakery stepped up with their own variation on the confection hand pie, as have other organizations.
However, nothing can fill the craving we have for Hubig’s.