How Cannabidiol Works For Treating Anxiety

Phot credit: Tree of Life Seeds

Anxiety is known as a person’s response when they are subject to a lot of stress. The reactions that people show (such as fear) is a natural and healthy thing. However, if the anxiousness becomes chronic and each episode worsens or meddles with everyday activities, then it could point to having an anxiety disorder.

Nowadays, people are starting to appreciate and lean towards the benefits of using cannabidiol (CBD) as a solution for anxiety. One should find the right marijuana strain for this type of treatment to work. However, keep in mind that the outcomes differ in each patient due to different levels of CBD components in various strains. To understand more about how these types of strain effect, Weekend Gardener is a good place to start your research.

The Effects Of Cannabidiol On The Body

The body has receptors that are of protein components. Chemical signals get passed on from one cell to another due to the biochemical signaling that happens between each receptor when there are stimuli. It is a known fact that cannabidiol interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. There are receptors present, known as CB1 (found in the central nervous system) and CB2 (found in the peripheral nervous system) receptors.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a system that’s active in one’s body, even without cannabis utilization. Although researchers don’t fully understand the ECS yet, it is known to help regulate different functions such as sleep, mood, appetite, memory, and fertility. The receptors CB1 and CB2 bind to endocannabinoids depending on the situation. For example, using cannabis incorporates cannabinoids into the body. These cannabinoids then attach to the CB1 or CB2 receptors present in the area which experiences pain.

In terms of treating anxiety, CBD may also help alter serotonin levels, which plays a vital role in mental health. Although serotonin is a known neurotransmitter that plays a role in people developing depression, in some cases, it may also develop anxiety, notably when decreased.

The Role Of Cannabidiol On Anxiety Disorders

In line with the increasing number of CBD users’ testimonials, different studies have also been taking place to prove further that the plant plays a crucial role in alleviating anxiety disorders. The following are case studies/research regarding CBD and its effects on anxiety:

Cannabidiol As A Potential Treatment For Anxiety Disorders by Blessing, et al. (2015)

CBD Oil For Anxiety & Stress (2020), Available at: Healthcanal

In this study, the researchers tested CBD on mice that had a generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

For the subjects that had a generalized anxiety disorder, results showed that high doses (100 mg/kg) of CBD did not affect, while inducing low levels (10 mg/kg) showed anxiolytic (reduces anxiety) effects. Overall, testing the CBD in a variety of subjects and doses showed a bell-shaped curve, and there were no observed anxiogenic (anxiety-inducing) effects. The researchers concluded that several parts of the brain that were activated played a significant role in the ineffectiveness of CBD at higher doses.

Regarding the mice with stress-induced anxiety, there was a noted decrease in the anxiogenic effects brought about by stress. The researchers injected the mice with CBD an hour after stress-induced situations. The results showed that systemic cannabidiol helped decrease anxiety in all rodents.

In rodents with both panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, CBD significantly lowered levels of panic attacks and compulsiveness. The mice with panic disorder were placed in a container with a boa constrictor, while checking those with OCD and if stimuli made them show marble-burying behavior.

Overall, cannabis utilization in these experiments showed promising results and strong evidence regarding the numerous effects of the plant on anxiety, as well as different fear-induced situations.

Inverted U-Shaped Dose-Response Curve Of The Anxiolytic Effects Of Cannabidiol During Public Speaking by Zuardi, et al. (2017)

The purpose of this study is to determine if CBD had the same effect on humans as it did in the majority of animal models. The researchers gathered sixty subjects, with an age range of between eighteen to thirty-five years old. The researchers then divided them into different groups. Different groups would receive a placebo, 1 mg of clonazepam, and 100, 300, and 900 mg of cannabidiol.

The subjects then underwent public speaking, with the researchers recording their blood pressures and heart rates. In each trial, results showed that the activity notably induced anxiety in terms of an increased heart rate and blood pressure. The group that had a placebo showed the highest anxiety scores. Clonazepam proved to be more sedative compared to the 300 mg and 900 mg CBD dosage. Overall, the results showed that an acute CBD dosage of 300 mg had an anxiolytic effect on the subjects.

Neural Basis Of Anxiolytic Effects Of Cannabidiol (CDB) In Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder: A Preliminary Report by Crippa, et al. (2010)

This study aims to investigate the effects of cannabidiol on humans with a generalized social anxiety disorder. The researchers opted to use neuroimaging to observe the different effects of the plant further. At first, the subjects were tested twice for regional cerebral blood flow in the resting state. Then using the double-blind study, the researchers gave the patients 400 mg of CBD orally as well as placebo.

After neuroimaging, results showed a comparison between placebo and CBD induced patients, with the latter having lower levels of anxiety because of the plant’s direct effects on both the limbic and paralimbic portions of the brain.

Overall, despite the infancy of research in the cannabis industry, results keep showing beneficial and advantageous outcomes for patients who experience anxiety and other disorders.


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