Cancel culture is something that’s become popular in the last five years. It starts with a public figure saying or doing something popular culture considers offensive. It could be a politician that stands for “old-fashioned” family values and then funding their campaign through sports betting at SBOBET.
Other examples include actors like Kevin Hart making homophobic comments, or sexual predators such as R Kelly. The Black Lives Matter movement has recently led to many celebrities being called out for racist or insensitive behavior in the past.
What Is Cancel Culture?
What matters here is that the behavior caused offence and a public outcry. There is public shame or a boycott of the star, so the perpetrator realizes there are consequences for their actions. Brands don’t want the negative association, cancelling appearances, contracts, and endorsements.
The overall effect is that the celebrity feels the impact where it matters most–their pockets. It’s a way for the public to strike back against powerful people who are otherwise untouchable.
How Is This Different From The Past?
You may draw parallels from the careers of Rob Lowe or Tiger Woods. Rob Lowe’s career took a nosedive after he was caught in a sex scandal. Tiger Woods had issues when allegations of his womanizing behavior came to the surface.
The difference is that these celebrities were able to redeem themselves. They apologized and were forgiven. Today, their careers have recovered.
Modern activists suggest that an apology means little to nothing—the punishment should be more severe.
In a way, it’s similar to boycotting a business because it engages in unfair labor practices. The practice has proven effective in catalyzing cultural change, as noted in the civil rights and environmental movements.
How Effective Is Cancel Culture?
The effectiveness of cancel culture is debatable. The initial backlash causes some damage, but the long -term results are murkier.
Michael Jackson’s career is a good example. The pop star’s music was taken off the air in the United Kingdom after allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced. However, sales of his Number Ones album increased. The album even broke into the United Kingdom’s Top 40 after the scandal broke.
R Kelly is another example of how public outrage doesn’t necessarily end a career. The singer faced charges of sexual misconduct in 2008, but some fans believed that it was all a setup.
It’s only with the latest round of charges that the singer’s reputation seems irreparably tarnished. Even so, after a documentary titled “Surviving R Kelly” aired in the United States, his music sales increased.
While some stations have stopped playing his music, not all have jumped on the cancel culture bandwagon. You may also still buy his music online. So, while he might not be planning a world tour anytime soon, he’s not suffering financially.
Final Notes
While cancel culture seems to make an impact, the influence it exerts is yet to be seen. While it’s become fashionable to shame celebrities publicly, social outrage doesn’t always equate to action.
It seems that many people officially support a cause, but don’t follow through with the boycott.