Essential Workers Stand With Striking Baristas of Still Perkin’ Cafe! 

Photo by Waqas Saeed on Unsplash


At 10am on Friday, August 7th, essential workers are standing in solidarity with the Baristas of Still Perkin’ Cafe in their 10th week of being on strike. Workers from all over the city will be present on the picket line to uplift the demands of the Still Perkin’ Baristas including the Sanitation Workers of the City Waste Union, firefighters from the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), bus operators of the RTA Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), teachers, librarians, union members from the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), as well as hospitality workers.

The demands of the Still Perkin’ Baristas are as follows:

  1. $15/hour to make up for lost tips

  2. Paid sick leave

  3. PPE

  4. Written safety protocols

  5. Adherence to city safety guidelines

  6. Reinstatement to our jobs

“If we don’t get it, what are we gonna do? SHUT IT DOWN!”

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Big Easy Magazine

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