Top LGBTQ Articles Worth Reading

The LGBTQ community or gay community is an organization comprised of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people who unite under a common goal of fighting for their recognition and acceptance to society. The community was formed to acknowledge diversity in sexuality and individuality to counter stereotypic notions that different people have towards them. The community advocates for equality and inclusion into a society that views them as outcasts and abnormal. Various articles have been written to spell out gains acquired by the community in its activist role with others telling incidences of hardship the group goes through. We are going to discuss some of the top articles about the LGBTQ and what readers learn from them.

Article 1: The Struggle for Gay Rights Is Over

The article written by James Kirchick on The Atlantic is recognition of the gains made in advocating for the rights of the gay community. John describes the struggle of being born with different sexuality and having to enjoy a win that you have never experienced. The author describes the struggles gay people had to go through from being policed as criminals to being diagnosed as pathologically ill. The fight for gay rights has been tough over the years but the gains made are described by John as an end to the struggle. A reader will gain valuable insight into the journey of gay rights and what has been done over the years to ensure gay people enjoy rights like anyone else.

Article 2: Freedom of Expression Under Threat

The article is written by Graeme Reid who is a director of the LGBTQ rights program talks about the difficult situations the LGBTQ community goes through in different countries where there are stigma and limited right of expression. Reid discusses the struggles especially in countries like Russia and China where stigma is deep-rooted with the LGBTQ community being denied essential freedom of expression rights. Furthermore, the article explains how the governments of different countries make it challenging for gay groups to function by labeling them as illegal. A reader gets valuable information on the struggles different LGBTQ groups go through across the world and what is being done to stop the society from stigmatizing members of the gay community.

Article 3: Reconciling Religion and LGBT Rights

This article spells out discrimination the LGBTQ community experiences in Christian universities and colleges. The author Jonathan S. Coley asks why some Christian colleges and universities allow LGBTQ groups and set up policies of non-discrimination while others completely refuse to do so. The article outlines the religious discrimination the LGBTQ community experiences from a certain division of the religious block. Coley continues to argue that there needs to be a description of the role religion plays in the cultural debate concerning the LGBTQ community. A reader can learn the role religion plays in either supporting or discriminating against gay groups. Additionally, the reader will see the different policies that exclude religion from engaging in discussions related to the gay community.

Article 4: Addressing the School Environment and LGBT Safety through Policy and Legislation

The article written by Stuart Biegel and Sheila James Kuehl discusses the safety of students who belong to the gay community. The article raises concerns indicating there is a rise in safety concerns where students belonging to the LGBTQ community reporting cases of harassment regularly. The article gives out the safety statistics among students and the issues that fuel harassment in the school environment. A reader will be enlightened on the various safety concerns present in schools and the dangers they pose to students who identify with the LGBTQ community.

Article 5: Health care problems of LGBTQ

The article written by Rita Lee is a description of all the healthcare risks and issues the LGBT community experiences. According to the author, the risk is a result of a lack of information about the sexual orientation of the patient by medical professionals, or the patient feeling unsafe to disclose their sexual orientation which results in wrong diagnosis. Readers will gain knowledge of the various health issues that face the LGBTQ community and how health professionals should handle any patient with a different sexual orientation.

To conclude, several articles have been written to show the gains made by gay communities in advocating for their right to freedom, expression, and inclusion. Other articles look to address the religious, safety, and health issues that the LGBTQ encounters regularly. Readers will get valuable information about the gains made by the gay community and the issues they face from regularly.



Biegel, S., & Kuehi, S. (2010). Safe at School: Addressing the School Environment and LGBT Safety through Policy and Legislation

Coley, J. (2016). Reconciling Religion and LGBT Rights: Christian Universities, Theological Orientations, and LGBT Inclusion

Kirchick, J. (2020). The Struggle for Gay Rights Is Over.

Reid, G. (2018). Freedom of Expression Under Threat

Lee, R. (2000). Health care problems of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients.

About the author

Paul Bates is a lifestyle writer at SolidEssay and ConfidentWriters sharing his valuable insights with the readers. He also works as an online tutor at BeeStudent teaching high school and college students.

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