Forum for Equality PAC Obtains Preliminary Injunction Against Leslie Ellison for Violations Related to Free Speech

Forum for Equality PAC Obtains Preliminary Injunction Against Leslie Ellison to Protect Free Speech and Ordering the Ellison Campaign to Immediately Stop Stealing or Disturbing Campaign Signs  

Today, Forum for Equality PAC obtained a preliminary injunction from Judge Nakisha Ervin-Knott in the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, ordering Leslie Ellison, her campaign, and its associates to immediately cease and desist their repeated pattern of stealing and disturbing FFE PAC campaign signs. This comes on the heels of Judge Rachael Johnson ordering a temporary restraining order just two days ago on the same issue.

Forum for Equality PAC sought the Injunction after hundreds of their signs were stolen or taken down. Their claims were supported by eight witnesses including photographs of the sign thieves or of their cars. The signs simply say “FIGHT HATE – Defeat Leslie Ellison” and provide the ForumForEqualityPAC.comwebsite address where further information is available.

By taking this action today, the Court has for the second time in as many days ordered the Ellison campaign, its associates, and its supporters that these crimes won’t be tolerated and the right to free speech will not be suppressed by this elected official. Attorney for the PAC, Chris Otten, commented “Leslie Ellison and her associates did not respond to the lawsuit or show up for either hearing, and their absence speaks volumes as to their guilt.” We all know that tensions run high during the political season. But just as Ms. Ellison has a “right” to her bigoted views and hateful rhetoric, we have a right to free speech and the right to explain her agenda to the community. In fact, it is our responsibility. And today, the Court again affirmed this right.

“Leslie Ellison thinks it is OK that LGBT kids are tormented, bullied, harassed and refused a seat in the classroom. This shows what kind of person she and her supporters really are. They will lie cheat and steal to stay in power,” said FFE PAC’s lead attorney Thomas Robichaux who is also a former OPSB member and President.

Please Direct Questions to Chris Otten, attorney for FFE PAC, at or 504-302-3049.

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