Photos: Unmasked State Troopers Gather and Talk As Crowds Walk Past on Bourbon St.

Photo Courtesy of EarthCam

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be far from the minds of anyone on Bourbon Street tonight. The New Orleans EarthCam located on the Cats Meow Balcony clearly shows crowds of unmasked revelers ringing in the new year on Bourbon Street while a group of 11 similarly unmasked Lousiana State Troopers stands congregating and chatting nearby.

Several of the New Years’ Eve partygoers could be seen carrying Bourbon Street staples such as Fishbowls, Hand Grenades, and other drinks. Although indoor bar service was halted at 11:00 pm yesterday when Orleans Parish reported a greater than five percent COVID-19 positivity rate for the second week in a row, outdoor service was allowed to continue.

The unmasked state troopers appeared to pay no mind to crowds gathering and congregating in the street.

Orleans Parish reported 245 new cases of the coronavirus today, with a positivity rate of 7.7 percent.

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