Donald Rouse of Rouses at Trump Rally While Breaux Mart Owner Shares Antifa Conspiracy Theories

Update: Breaux Mart has since responded. Donald Rouse, Sr. has also responded.

In surprising news, Donald Rouse, Sr. Co-owner of Rouses Super Market, was seen in Washington D.C., along with former Rouses Human Resources Director Steve Galtier to protest the election of President-Elect Joe Biden.

According to a tweet by Lamar White of the Bayou Brief, Galtier said, “He claims they were alongside ‘millions’ of ‘patriots.’

While there’s only limited information about their involvement, Donald Rouse who is registered on the FEC contributor’s site as a chairman in 2015, has been a semi-regular contributor to Winred and the Republican National Senatorial Committee since at least 2015.

Rouse and Galtier are not the only notable Louisiana Grocery magnates to be involved in Trump’s false election lies. Barry Breaux, the owner of Breaux Mart, has been making conspiracy theories. Big Easy Magazine learned this through Michael Tisserand’s Twitter feed.

In one of many such Facebook posts, on Barry’s private page, he shared various posts, including but not limited to one in which the poster he shared said, “I have friends that are out there in Washington she has reported that ANTIFA tear-gassed the crowd and stormed the Capital…”

He also personally wrote, “So Rule of Law Doesn’t Exist for Democrats.”





As the owner of Breaux Mart was making incendiary comments about the crowd being agents of Antifa, which included Rouse, Breaux, does Breaux believe Rouse was an agent of Antifa? In addition to the conspiratorial comments about the unpatriotic insurrection, Breaux has made other incendiary comments on Facebook about Black Lives Matter as well.

Rouse has since responded to the many posts concerning his behavior. He released a statement saying:

I attended the rally yesterday as a supporter of the president and to be in our nation’s capital at the close of his presidency. I left before the violence began and was shocked and saddened to see it unfold on TV. I condemn the actions of those who unlawfully entered and damaged our hallowed institutions and threatened our public servants. Violence and destruction do not represent our country’s values, or the values of Rouses.

Though I am no longer involved in the day-to-day operations of Rouses, that’s my family’s name on the building and my actions reflect on my family, Rouses and this community I love so dearly. I’m horrified by the violence and destruction we saw yesterday and the pain it has caused so many. Our country desperately needs to come together to heal, and I will do everything I can to be a part of that process.

Breaux Mart responded to the outrage going around on Social Media, posting a response to their Facebook page.

“We want you to know Breaux Mart is NOT what you’ve seen from one person.” They added, “Think of the spirit of community, peace, and love you’ve experienced when shopping in our stores, chatting with our employees, and interacting with us on social media… THAT is Breaux Mart.”

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