FIND KORI GAUTHIER. As a community we must mobilize to find missing people no matter their age, race, sexual orientation, or any other identifying feature. A missing person is a missing person, and we must utilize every resource we have to help to get them home safely.
Kori Gauthier, a 19 year old LSU student, went missing Wednesday the 7th at approximately 1am. There has been intentional work to find Kori and bring her home safe. We must continue these efforts without delay or interruption. If you know something please share it. Please also continue to elevate this issue.
In the midst of this turmoil sits LSU and their leadership. It was brought to my attention that flyers of Kori were placed around campus and a directive was given by individuals on staff to remove them. Based on a report I have received the individual giving the order to remove the signs was very upset that they had been put up. Make no mistake that no arcane rule supersedes any person that is missing, but it begs the question on if the order would have been given if she were a white female. The answers from administration have varied; however, for the most part they have attempted to shift blame on a community of people that are merely looking for their loved one.
Kori, and her family and friends, deserves from LSU the more intentional energy then they put into the football team. This is a failure of leadership that needs to be investigated by the Louisiana Legislature. Quiet frankly, Koris family needs to be supported and this support should include the university supporting putting flyers up. Make no mistake that the individual that ordered that the flyers be taken down should be held to account. There is no thought in my mind that would lead me to believe that a reasonable human being making a rational choice would order the removal of those posters. The truth is LSU, since its inception, has had issues with respecting difference and dealing with diversity. The flagship institution of our state is a direct representation of the sort of foul and disgusting behavior that is clearly evident across this state.
Make no mistake that this is nothing new for LSU. The devaluation and lack of protection for women is a hallmark of the character of the institution. We know from their track record that they frequently devalue women and will go as far as covering up sexual harassment to protect important football coaches. We have an obligation to remember this behavior as we hold people accountable for disregarding the lives of people that look like you and I. I encourage you to stop giving way on the sidewalk to the racist bigotry that exists in the state and start questioning actions that contribute to the bigotry in our state.