Want to Pay $300 or More to Have Your Grass Cut? The City Will Help

Via JackieLou DL of Pixabay

In a press release sent out on April 14th, Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s office notified property owners, especially those with vacant properties, to keep their property in appropriate shape. According to the release, “If property owners do not take appropriate steps, the City is stepping up enforcement of grass and debris violations on private property and charging owners for the cost of abating those violations.”

Furthermore, according to Peter Bowen, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (DCAO) for the Office of Business & External services, “Neighborhood conditions, including tall weeds and dumping, impact the health, safety, and well-being of the people who live there. When owners neglect their property, they harm their neighbors and are in violation of City Code.”

While, previously, grass and weeds were allowed to grow up to 18 inches, the city has changed the law to make ten inches the maximum height. If found to be over ten inches, or if there’s debris on the property, the city will first send a Notice of Violation to the owner informing them that they need to cut their grass or address their debris concerns. If after five days, the problem remains, the city will charge the property owner $300 to cut the grass. However, that fee could go up into the thousands depending on how large the property is and what state it’s in.

After the first time, the city takes care of the property, if the owner continues to shirk their duties, the city can take over maintenance and charge the owner for all costs associated with the city’s care. Hundreds of notices have already gone out.

For more information go here.


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