Do you have a job interview coming up? This will always be a stressful time and one that can cause a great deal of anxiety, especially if it is for your dream job and/or you have not had an interview for a long time. Being anxious is natural and to be expected, but there are a few steps that you can take to feel more confident which could make all the difference.
Prep & Practice
The best way to feel more confident before a job interview is with prep and practice. Preparing yourself and thinking about answers to likely questions as well as practising with a friend or family member can help you to feel ready for the interview as you will know what you need to say and be ready for different questions. Additionally, you can do a prayer a day or minutes before the interview.
Dress for Success
It is also important to dress for success and to feel confident in what you are wearing. This means that you need to dress smartly and many people find that buying new clothes and getting a haircut can give them a real confidence boost going into an interview.
Arrive Early
The day of an interview will always be stressful, but you can reduce this stress by giving yourself plenty of time to arrive at your destination – this is particularly smart if it is somewhere that you have not been before. If you are interviewing in London, for example, then you should check the trains to London online, plan your journey and give yourself plenty of time to get there so you can arrive feeling calm and ready.
Project Confidence
Projecting confidence can actually help you to feel much more confident, so it is important to act confident at the interview even if you are feeling nervous and shaky. You can do this by holding eye contact, speaking slowly, open body language, not fidgeting and smiling. Additionally, remember that you are also seeing if it is a good fit for you so it is not a one-way process and this will help you to feel like you have more power in the situation.
Why Confidence Can Help
Everyone wants to feel confident in an interview as it is a much better feeling than anxiety, but being confident can also help to improve your chances. When you are confident, you will be able to communicate more clearly, show that you believe in yourself and form a positive first impression.
Hopefully, this post will help you to feel much more confident going into an interview and find success.