Mariah Moore Discusses Crime, Housing, Infrastructure in District D Race

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“My garbage hasn’t been picked up in two weeks. It’s terrible,” said Mariah Moore, a candidate for New Orleans City Council District D. “City services seems to be lacking. We’ve got to figure out what to do.”

In addition to crime and housing, Moore says infrastructure – which she views in a broad sense – is the biggest issue residents’ face. “It’s not just the need for street construction and renovation but protection from flooding and pothole repair, all of which I think we have a lot of in District D.”

Moore is also concerned about city employees who are not being paid a living wage. “Compensation is a huge issue. It doesn’t matter what responsibility an employee has, we have to stand for what is right. People with a voice and a platform need to be heard. It is the responsibility of leaders to stand with folk to get them the resources they need,” she explained.

Standing up for marginalized communities is a thread that has run through Moore’s entire life. “I have experienced disparities myself. It is my lived experience. I have faced housing insecurity and been unable to find affordable housing and I have faced a lack of job opportunities. I am part of a marginalized group within a marginalized community. I have not had opportunities, I know that that’s like. I want to be the voice at the table when decisions are being made,” Moore continued.   

She believes that city government must “rethink” the way crime is addressed in the community. “We need to look at the root causes of crime including the lack of economic opportunity.  We need to find solutions,” she said. Moore also appalled by the percentage of juvenile crimes. “We need a restorative process. There are not enough programs for youth in the city.”

Moore says there must be more re-entry programs for those exiting incarceration. “We need to give folk opportunity. The wheel of crimes is just perpetuating. We must reimagine, rethink policing all together.” She is also a big supporter of OPPRC’s Help Not Handcuff’s proposal which will create a non-police team to work with individuals with mental health issues. “No everyone needs to come in contact with a police officer.”

If elected, Moore’s first priority will be affordable housing. “We know that New Orleans is facing an affordable housing crisis. There are not enough units for renters.” She also wants to focus on economic opportunities “for all people,” especially small business owners. Having worked extensively in the hospitality industry and for locally owned small businesses, Moore understands their needs.

Moore blames part of the city’s problems on elected officials who are out of touch with constituents. “We don’t see enough of our leaders out in the community, building community, out talking with residents. Community involvement is important. We simply don’t see enough of that,” she said.

Moore is a huge supporter of Mayor LaToya Cantrell. “I support Mayor Cantrell 110%. I think she has done a good job with the response to COVID-19. Some things I do not agree with her on, but she did the best possible. COVID hurt everyone. Mayor Cantrell did what had to be done. She saved a lot of lives. I am very satisfied with her leadership,” she said.

Moore is especially proud of her current work at the House of Tulip. “We just celebrated our first anniversary and have been able to do incredible work,” she explained. More than 150 folks have been served including 8 who resided on site. Services include clothing, a computer lab and Hot Wednesday, a affirming therapeutic space which offers therapeutic activities. 

She is also disappointed that the Louisiana Legislature will revisit Governor John Bel Edwards’ veto of anti-transgender legislation in the special session that starts today in Baton Rouge. “I’m thankful Governor Edwards vetoed the legislation. He did what needed to be done.”  

Moore says she is a “stand alone kind of woman” who always put her mind to what she wanted to do. “I want to make a commitment to the community that I will be a true communicator, organizer and leader. We have people in positions of power that have never experienced half of what I have. I am grateful to run to offer my leadership. Hopefully my District D constituents can agree.”     

One of the 14 candidates who qualified for the City Council District D race, Moore is recognized as a social justice advocate with deep roots in Gentilly. She also has a proven track record of building bold visionary solutions. “We need to take it one day at a time by building creative solutions and implementing them. That’s something we haven’t seen in a very long time,” Moore concluded.

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