Photo Courtesy of SCSA

Today is the very beginning of the end for the unspeakable, traumatic atrocity that victims and survivors of childhood sex abuse have experienced in the Great state of Louisiana by the Catholic Church, which is the calculated, systematic, and the horrific wholesale rape of our precious children.

The victims and survivors, along with their families and loved ones, have endured this unspeakable tragedy for years, decades, and some most of their entire lives. We have decided that enough is enough, and it ends now. We simply will not entertain your excuses and coverups any longer.

We don’t care if you are an archbishop, bishop, other clerical evil doers, a sports team owner, billionaires, the most expensive law firm, judge, district attorney, wealthy business person, community leader, attorney, or some sort of community aristocrat. We simply do not care about your position in society, regardless if your role is that of well-cemented guilt, complicity or coverup.

There is also the concerned counseling by our timid, fair weather compatriots who have much demand, but don’t have courage and moral fortitude to do the right thing. Encouragement such as “You need to be patient,” “Wait, it’s not time yet,” “Let’s see how the constitutional issue is resolved,” or my favorite “Richard, stand down, this is not your role.”

In the absence of good men who are normally courageous and hold a very high ethical and moral code, who refuse to do their jobs, I’ll do your job for you, again. And I’ll also help you tidy up by erasing the word “protracted” from your dictionaries. Because every day that we wait unnecessarily for you to do the next right thing, another child gets raped by these monsters, and our opposition wins, again.

It is a very sad, remorseful, and regrettable day in the world when some schmuck like Richard Windmann has to be your ethical and moral compass. This is first and only shot across the bow. We will wait until Monday for one courageous man to do the next right thing. My plans are to finish up business today, enjoy Saturday, attend mass, contemplate and pray Sunday. If it is not answered, I will do the next right thing on Monday. I won’t be able to take it back. The victims and survivors demand nothing less.

Richard G. Windmann
Co-Founder, President
Victims of Childhood Sex Abuse (SCSA)

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