What Insurance Services Cover Physical Therapy?

Today we bring you the answers to this question that can often be misinterpreted or taken out of context. Physical therapy as such is a fairly widespread health science dating back to ancient Greece. It is not uncommon to find clinics offering these services across the country and around the world.

Before we dive into the topic of whether or not health insurance should cover this service, let’s see a little more about what physical therapy is all about.

What is physical therapy for?

This discipline of health serves as a springboard to a healthy life. Physiotherapy is made up of a set of physical activities that rehabilitate, treat, and prevent many types of diseases, whether they are physical or psychological trauma.

This specialty is open to a wide range of different methods and therapies ranging from therapeutic massages, rehabilitation of physical, respiratory, cardiovascular injuries, etc., to treat diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, kidney, lung, bone, muscle, among other injuries.

The goal of physical therapy

The main objective of physical therapy is to restore the mobility, vitality, and integration of the patient into society or, let’s say, regular life, applying special methods and devices such as magneto, laser, etc., as well as massages, physical exercises with or without weight, working on stability, strength, and balance. It is a path to wellness for life.

Does my health insurance cover the physical therapy service?

The vast majority of health insurance covers it, from public and private insurance to Medicare. Surely there may be exceptions, but at this point, and with the spread that physical therapy has as a treatment and rehabilitation of many diseases of all kinds, even for patients who recently suffered the consequences of the Coronavirus.

The appropriate question would be “To what extent do these insurances cover physical therapy?”

It is possible – very possible – that the scope may vary depending on the plan one has.

In general, before visiting a Physical Therapy clinic, it is recommended to call your health insurance. Although many times a medical order is not required, it is necessary to verify that this service is covered to avoid surprises.

We know that physical therapy and its benefits can be a bit confusing. However, physiotherapy clinics or centers often contact health insurance to check and see exactly what the insurance covers.

Considerations to take into account

Is it deductible? This means how much money – if it is – you will have to pay first before your insurer takes care of the expenses. 

Is it co-paid? This means if the expenses are shared with the health insurance company. You may have to contribute some sum, either 50%, more, or less, depending on your plan. It would be best if it is fully covered, but usually one contributes between $ 15 and $ 20. If it is a very cheap plan, you can pay up to $ 50.

What is the best advice?

Without a doubt, before visiting a physical therapy clinic, the best thing you can do – to find out more about your plan’s coverage – is to contact your insurance company in advance so that they can provide you with the corresponding information.


Although there are exclusive places where physical therapy is performed, there are also assistance centers or non-profit centers dedicated to providing these types of services free of charge for the well-being of the community.

Finally, many physical therapy clinics or centers allow you to make a free initial consultation to advise you and give you a diagnosis about your illness or need. Read more about insurance coverage from Miracle Rehab Clinic: https://www.miraclerehabclinic.com/blog/does-insurance-cover-physical-therapy

And remember, no one goes bankrupt for going to physical therapy. Consult your local clinic to find the best plan for you.

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