New Orleanians have decided the fate of three proposed amendments in tonight’s election:
New Orleans Public Library Proposition – Approved
The New Orleans Public Library full millage has been enthusiastically supported by voters, with 70.2% voting for the millage and only 29.8% voting against it at 99% reporting as of 10:45 pm. The 4 mills property tax is secured for 20 years.
Parishwide Neighborhood Housing Proposition – Denied
The proposal to continue the 0.91 mills in New Orleans for a further 20 years has been narrowly defeated. With 99% reported as of 10:45 pm, the measure was defeated by fewer than 1000 votes – 50.8% against, 49.2% in favor. The millage would have collected $3.9 million per year.
Huntington Park Improvement Dist. – Approved
With 66.4% in favor, the proposal for a special fee for those living within the Huntington Park Subdivision has been approved. The Huntington Park Improvement District is bounded on Morrison Road on the north, both sides of Benson Court next to the Benson Canal on the east, Huntington Park Drive on the south, and Crowder Boulevard on the west. The new fee is estimated to generate around $44,500 each year.