Dr. Kami Hoss Explains What Causes Your Morning Jaw Pain

You’re not alone if you’ve been experiencing jaw pain in the morning. Many people suffer from this pain, and experts like Dr. Kami Hoss in San Diego, CA, know several possible causes. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common causes of morning jaw pain and offer tips for alleviating it. Keep reading to learn more!

What Causes Morning Jaw Pain?

One potential cause of morning jaw pain is teeth grinding or bruxism. This condition can occur during the day or at night, but many people are unaware that they are doing it. Bruxism can be caused by stress or anxiety, leading to headaches, tooth damage, and jaw pain. Another possible cause of morning jaw pain is TMJ disorder.

Dr. Kami Hoss says this condition is characterized by pain and stiffness in the jaws, and it can be caused by misalignment of the teeth, injury to the jaw, or arthritis. Treatment for TMJ disorder may include mouthguards, exercises, and surgery. If you are experiencing morning jaw pain, you must see a dentist or doctor to rule out any severe underlying conditions.

How To Tell If You Have A TMJ Disorder

A few symptoms may indicate that you have a TMJ disorder. These include:

Pain Or Tenderness In The Jaw

Many people with TMJ disorder experience pain or tenderness in their jaw, especially in the morning. This pain may radiate to other parts of the face, such as the ears or temples.

Difficulty Chewing Or Swallowing

You may also have difficulty chewing or swallowing if you have a TMJ disorder. You may feel like your jaw is locked in place or hear clicking or popping sounds when you move your jaw.


Headaches are another common symptom of TMJ disorder. These headaches are often dull and throbbing and may worsen in the morning.

You must see a dentist or doctor get a diagnosis if you have any of these symptoms.

How Is TMJ Disorder Treated?

There are a few different treatment options for TMJ disorder. These include:


Dr. Kami Hoss says mouthguards can help to protect your teeth from grinding and clenching. They can also help to reduce pain and inflammation in the jaws. You can buy mouthguards at most drugstores, or your dentist can custom-make one.


There are a few exercises that may help to reduce pain and stiffness in the jaws. These exercises should be performed slowly and carefully and done several times daily.


In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the alignment of the teeth or jaws. This is usually a last resort and is only recommended in severe cases.

Can TMJ Disorder Be Prevented?

For many people, TMJ disorder is a chronic condition that requires ongoing management. However, there are some steps that you can take to help prevent the disorder from developing or from reducing your risk of experiencing symptoms.

One of the most important things you can do is practice good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly helps to remove bacteria and plaque from your mouth, which can contribute to the development of TMJ disorder. In addition, be sure to eat a balanced diet and avoid chewing hard foods or substances like ice cubes.

Dr. Kami Hoss says if you grind your teeth at night, your dentist may recommend wearing a bite guard to protect your teeth and reduce stress on your jaw joint. Taking these preventive measures can help reduce your risk of developing TMJ disorder.

Is It TMJ Or Bruxism?

If you are experiencing morning jaw pain, you must see a dentist or doctor to rule out any severe underlying conditions. However, there are a few things that you can do at home to help reduce your symptoms.

If you think that your morning jaw pain may be due to bruxism, there are a few things that you can do to help prevent it. First, avoid chewing gum or eating hard candy. These can make your symptoms worse. In addition, try to reduce stress in your life by practicing relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.

In comparison, if you think your morning jaw pain may be due to TMJ disorder, there are a few different treatment options available. These include mouthguard, exercises, and surgery. However, the best way to prevent TMJ disorder is to practice good oral hygiene and avoid chewing hard foods or substances like ice cubes. Taking these preventive measures can help reduce your risk of developing TMJ disorder.

When To See A Dentist Or Doctor

If you are experiencing morning jaw pain, you must see a dentist or doctor to rule out any severe underlying conditions. If you have any of the symptoms of TMJ disorder, such as pain or tenderness in the jaw, difficulty chewing or swallowing, or headaches, be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist or doctor. They will be able to diagnose your condition and recommend the best treatment options for you.

Final Thoughts

Many different conditions can cause morning jaw pain. If you are experiencing any symptoms, you must see a dentist or doctor to get a diagnosis. There are a few other treatment options for TMJ disorder, including mouthguard, exercises, and surgery. However, the best way to prevent TMJ disorder is to practice good oral hygiene and avoid chewing hard foods or substances like ice cubes. Taking these preventive measures can help reduce your risk of developing TMJ disorder.

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