Big Easy Magazine Opposes Sheriff Susan Hutson’s Millage Proposition


We at Big Easy Magazine respect Orleans Parish Sheriff Susan Hutson. She took on the gargantuan task of improving the Orleans Justice Center and bettering the lives of the men and women who reside there. We strongly supported Sheriff Hutson in her campaign to unseat former Sheriff Marlin Gusman who had become complacent and out-of-touch.

Yet we are unable to support Sheriff Hutson’s current ballot initiative to increase the Sheriff’s Office annual funding from 2.8 mills to 5.5 mills which will yield an additional $11.7 million annually for an additional 20 years. In a presentation to the New Orleans City Council last week, Sheriff Hutson was unable to fully answer the Council’s questions on how the funds will be spent. She spoke only in general terms about capital improvements, employee raises, recruitment and retention without presenting a complete detailed analysis about how every dollar will be allocated.

There is no doubt that Sheriff Hutson needs these funds and would put them to good use. But the public has the right to receive detailed information in advance about the proposed expenditures as well as the opportunity for substantive dialogue via numerous public meetings. Even staunch Hutson supporter Bruce Reilly from V.O.T.E. has already voted early against the proposal.

Sheriff Hutson’s current millage is not expiring. We recommend that the Sheriff continue to refine her proposal and re-submit it to the voters in early 2024. New Orleanians want to support Sheriff Hutson and the work she is doing to reduce incarceration and operate a safer, more secure and healthier facility. All they ask is for clear, concise, transparent information that will help them make the correct informed decision.

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Scott Ploof
Big Easy Magazine

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