How to Know if Fostering is Right for Your Family

The decision to become a foster carer is a big one that impacts every member of the family. This decision must be channeled by informed conversation and input from each person it will affect in the home. That is why you should be able to answer whether fostering is right for your household before you start the process, and this guide is here to help.  

You Have a Spare Bedroom

The biggest requirement of foster carers is that they have a bedroom in their home for a child to move into. If you do not have this, then it is time to rethink this decision. 

You Have the Time to Commit

Fostering means you have to commit a certain amount of time to the role. Each child that you look after will need full support at each hour of the day and the night. So, you have to be around, and  ensure support systems are in place for the young people in your home environment. There is also a thought for the amount of training you must do as well, as every carer needs to complete certain modules throughout their time in the role. 

You Are Confident

Looking after young people in the care system demands confidence. If you are concerned about whether this is for you, don’t worry. The training process will help, and any professional agency like Orange Grove Foster Care will have amazing advice about what kind of personality it takes to foster successfully. If you know that you can handle sensitive subjects, difficult conversations, and emotional ups and downs, then you can feel confident in this choice. 

Your Children Are on Board

You should always think about your children living at home as well. These people are your responsibility as well and need to remain a primary focus throughout the whole process. It is good to open up the floor so that they can offer their thoughts and feelings on the matter. This will be an amazing arena to talk through any and all concerns about what fostering would mean for them. They could have a lot of questions, and your job will be to answer every single one in the best possible way so that you can all think about how you want to move forward. 

You Can Be Flexible with Your Routine

This point is especially relevant for those who already have kids at home because routine is everything! Adding another person to the agenda means there may be another school run to take care of, which could be across the town if the agency determines that the foster child must remain where they are established. All of this adds up to an important question: can you do it?

So, is foster care right for your family? Only you can answer this. Add up all of the pros and cons and make a generous assessment of what would be required.

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