Rally for Safe & Legal Abortion in Louisiana Happening December 9th

Of all Louisiana’s parishes Orleans is the one where pro choice forces are best positioned to kick off the state wide mass struggle from below that compels the political hacks in charge of Baton Rouge to legalize abortion here. Unfortunately many Louisiana pro-choicers have resigned themselves to the mistaken assumption that the current hold of the so called right to life forces on Louisiana’s state government is unassailable. It’s not! This will become apparent when Louisiana pro choice forces focus the fightback for the legalization of abortion where the movement’s potential power is strongest: the streets and the work place.

As the state’s largest base of support for safe and legal abortion what happens in New Orleans, or doesn’t happen, registers in the consciousness of pro choice forces throughout Louisiana. The power of example set by pro choice actions in the streets and workplaces of New Orleans will lift the fighting spirits of pro-choicers throughout the state. And make no mistake. There is mass support for the legalization of abortion in every corner of Louisiana.

The December 9 Rally for Safe and Legal Abortion in New Orleans will send the message to pro choice forces elsewhere in the state that pro choice protests in Louisiana are not just doable, but actually happening. And that when pro-choicers march in places like Lafayette they do so knowing like minded sisters and brothers are taking to the streets in Louisiana’s largest city.

For these reasons and others you are urged to join the 3pm Saturday, December 9th Rally for Safe and Legal Abortion in Louisiana.

Rally for Safe & Legal Abortion in Louisiana
3pm Saturday, December 9th
Hale Boggs Federal Building
511-517 Poydras

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