Be sure to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs for maximum accuracy!
Aries: You’re starting this week off with a bang! Passionate Mars conjoins volatile Uranus in your 2nd house of value and finances. While Uranus’ influence can bring abrupt changes, it can also bring liberation. If you have been struggling with financial independence, this aspect could bring about some pleasant surprises- be ready to strike when the iron is hot! Alternatively, avoid impulsive spending. Wait until this weekend when Mars enters your 3rd house of communication and intellect to be sure you’re making a well informed decision!
Taurus: You’re feeling feisty and bold this week! Mars’ conjunction to Uranus this Monday is taking place in your 1st house of self. Your moods may be unpredictable and you might have more of a temper than usual, but this change in attitude comes from a deep sense of pride. Something about your self image is changing in a significant way, and it is inspiring you to demand the respect you have rightfully earned. You’re glowing up, and this effect carries over into your finances when Mars enters your 2nd house this weekend!
Gemini: This week’s planetary influences are highlighting a conflict between your private life and public life- and even deeper than that, your emotional attachment to others’ opinions of you. If the public image you have created for yourself is not in alignment with who you truly are, that discrepancy will become impossible to ignore. Spend some time getting reacquainted with yourself this week. When Mars enters your first house of self this weekend, you will feel brave enough to reveal a hidden part of yourself to the world.
Cancer: Turn your attention toward your community this week, whether that means spending quality time with friends or joining a cause that is meaningful to you! If you’ve been feeling withdrawn from the world around you, it’s time to reconnect. You’ll be welcomed back with open arms, but don’t be surprised if rumors have circulated about your absence. The Sun in your 1st house forms a semisquare to Jupiter in your 12th house on Thursday, drawing outside attention to your private life.
Leo: Starting now, and for the next few months, fortune is turning in your favor and propelling you toward your dreams! Mars conjoins Uranus in your 10th house of career and public image on Monday. This energy brings potential for dramatic shifts in this area- anything is possible, so aim for the stars! Mars then enters your 11th house in Gemini this weekend and remains there until September, bringing an abundance of networking opportunities. Let your sparkling personality speak for itself!
Virgo: If you have travel plans this week, make sure to triple check your packing list and itinerary. Mars’ conjunction to Uranus in your 9th house could bring some unforeseen changes in that area, and taking extra precautions will help you to stay prepared! Alternatively, now is a great time to step outside of your comfort zone- figuratively or literally. Mars’ transition into your 10th house this weekend will shift your focus back to the career grind, so take advantage of this burst of spontaneity while it lasts!
Libra: Major transformative change is possible this week, whether by your own choice or by influences outside your control. Mars conjoins Uranus in your 8th house of death and rebirth on Monday, initiating the process of liberation from structures that have kept you held back. If you are willing to surrender to these changes, this could be a very cathartic experience for you! Mars enters your 9th house this weekend, paving the way for an expansive few months. Step outside your comfort zone!
Scorpio: Any stagnant energy in your relationships will begin to clear away this week! Whether you’re seeking more excitement, spontaneity, and clearer communication, or trying to shake off a restrictive relationship dynamic, this week’s transits will be supportive of the breakthrough you’ve been hoping for. This could also mean conflict if one or both parties are resistant to change- but communication will be much smoother on Sunday, so hold off on any difficult conversations until then if you can!
Sagittarius: Now is the perfect time to make any changes to your routine that you’ve been procrastinating on! This includes health, wellness, daily habits, work, and even pets- so remember to drink water, eat your veggies, and take the dog for a walk! These habits will be much more likely to stick if you start them now. On Saturday Mars enters your 7th house of partnership until September, bringing passion and new life to your relationships. If you’re single, now is a great time to meet someone new!
Capricorn: You’ve got quite the passionate week ahead! On Monday, Mars forms a conjunction to Uranus in your 5th house of pleasure and romance, activating that area of your life in a major way. Now is a great time to start new creative projects, change up your look, or date just for the fun of it! You’ll take on a more serious attitude this weekend when Mars enters your 6th house of productivity, so don’t stress about taking a short break during the beginning of the week.
Aquarius: If you’ve been waiting to make a change within your home or family dynamic, now is the time to do it! Making overdue repairs or redecorating your home will totally change the energy of your environment, and will have a revitalizing effect on your overall state of mind. If you’re looking for a new place, you’re likely to find plenty of great options this week. Mars enters your 5th house of pleasure and romance this weekend, bringing in some fun and passionate energy to relieve any stress brought on by home and family affairs.
Pisces: Find a bold new way to express yourself this week! It will be very important for you to speak your mind when Mars conjoins Uranus in your 3rd house. Deep and thought provoking conversations with friends will inspire you to create something new later this week through art, music, poetry, or fashion. Side note- don’t allow a lack of funds to be a creative barrier! Your spirit is a limitless resource. Mars enters your 4th house of home and family this weekend, shifting your focus to that area of your life for the next few months.