Weekly Horoscope // August 12th – August 18th

Image with horoscope signs

Be sure to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs for maximum accuracy!

Aries: This week, Mercury retrograde will re-enter Leo in your 5th house of romance, pleasure, and creativity! Miscommunications may begin to arise in your romantic life around the middle of the week- dates could be rescheduled at the last minute, or you may even find yourself getting the ick for someone you’ve been crushing on. Astrologically, this is the week to fumble or be fumbled. But Thursday’s trine between the Sun and Chiron in your 1st house promises that an important lesson will be learned!

Taurus: On Wednesday, Mars will conjoin Jupiter in your 2nd house of value and finances! This could bring a great opportunity to make fast cash or to set yourself up for long term financial success. This aspect magnifies any money moves you make this week- remember to be strategic and triple check your plans to best avoid any Mercury retrograde mishaps! Mercury also re-enters Leo and your 4th house on Wednesday, affecting your family and home life for the remainder of this retrograde cycle.

Gemini: You’re feeling yourself this week, especially on Wednesday when Mars conjoins Jupiter in your 1st house of self! Enjoy this boost to your confidence and motivation, but be careful not to let this energy go to your head! Mercury also returns to Leo and your 3rd house of communication on Wednesday, meaning that this retrograde will have twice the impact on your communication style. If you’re not careful with your words, others may perceive them to be arrogant or condescending, which could cause some conflict in your social life.

Cancer: This week’s transits are highlighting some new developments in your career and finances, as well as revealing the source of any potential disruptions to your success. On Wednesday, Mars conjoins Jupiter in your 12th house, revealing either your own tendencies for self sabotage or the true intentions of a hidden enemy. On the same day, Mercury returns to Leo and your 2nd house of finances. This is the perfect time to revisit career and financial plans and revise them using your new insight.

Leo: Mars conjoins Jupiter in your 11th house of friendship on Wednesday, giving you a boost of confidence and creating a great opportunity for connection! On the same day, Mercury returns to Leo in your 1st house of self, giving you an opportunity to see yourself in a completely new way. On Friday, Mars in your 11th house forms a square to Saturn in your 8th house, revealing a source of friction in your social circles that may have been clouding your self image.

Virgo: This week’s transits bring new potential for your career and public image when Mars conjoins Jupiter in your 10th house! Expect new breakthroughs around issues that have been creating stagnancy in that area of your life. Mercury will then re-enter Leo in your 12th house of the unseen, followed by a trine between the Sun in your 12th house and Chiron in your 8th house. This aspect will reveal a pattern or wound that may have been holding you back, allowing you to finally move forward.

Libra: Mercury retrograde enters Leo in your 11th house of community and friendship on Wednesday, followed by a trine between the Sun in your 11th house and Chiron in your 7th house of partnership. This transit may have you reflecting on a relationship with a close friend, and wondering whether it could become something more. Mars will also conjoin Jupiter in your 9th house this week, potentially bringing a new opportunity for travel, continuing your education, or expanding your philosophy around world issues.

Scorpio: When Mars conjoins Jupiter in your 8th house on Wednesday, you’ll feel a potent burst of inspiration to pursue more intimacy in your relationships. This energy continues to build and potentially creates some frustration in your love life toward the end of the week when Mars forms a square to Saturn in your 5th house of romance on Friday. If you can successfully transmute this angst into enthusiasm and passion, there is great potential to break through interpersonal barriers and reach new levels of fulfillment.

Sagittarius: On Wednesday, Mercury will return to Leo and your 9th house of travel, philosophy, and spirituality. Since Mercury is still retrograde until the 28th, this transit could create a few hiccups in that area of your life- but a true Sagittarius knows that a detour is just a new opportunity for adventure! Remain open to new experiences to get the most out of this retrograde cycle. Mars will also conjoin Jupiter in your 7th house of partnership this week, bringing potential for an exciting new development in your relationships.

Capricorn: Your productivity reaches new heights this week when Mars conjoins Jupiter in your 6th house. Remember to pace yourself though, because this area of your chart also rules health and wellness! A square between Mars in your 6th house and Saturn in your 3rd house on Friday indicates a disruption to your routine caused by a miscommunication with coworkers or colleagues. Consider your response to this situation carefully, because by this time Mercury retrograde will have returned to your 8th house, making you even more sharp-tongued than usual.

Aquarius: This week’s transits will see plenty of activity in your 5th and 7th houses, highlighting your love life (or other partnerships). On Wednesday, Mars will conjoin Jupiter in your 5th house of romance, while Mercury returns to Leo and your 7th house of partnership. Under these transits you’re likely to develop a new crush, hear from an ex, or experience a passionate rebirth in an existing relationship. The Sun in your 7th house will form a trine to Chiron in your 3rd house on Thursday, offering you an opportunity to heal relationship wounds through compassionate and intentional communication.

Pisces: Issues within your family dynamic may resurface this week and disrupt your routine. Over the last several months, planetary transits have encouraged you to create stronger boundaries with family members and to stop taking responsibility for the actions and emotions of others. Your commitment to breaking the pattern of self sacrifice will be tested this week, and you may be feeling pulled in two (or more) different directions. Luckily, a conjunction between Mars and Jupiter will support your self confidence and conviction as you stand your ground.

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