Saintsational Sexism

August 1, 2018

I spoke recently with Bailey Davis, a former cheerleader for the New Orleans Saints. For those of you unfamiliar with the New Orleans Saints, LEAVE THIS CITY NOW BEFORE YOU ARE EXPOSED, but also, the cheerleaders are called Saintsations. Cute pun! Right? Well, they are certainly not treated in a way that would leave them feeling very sensational.

Coffee Culture Playing Poorly in New Orleans

August 1, 2018

Visit any of the Big Easy’s coffee shops and you’ll find a hub of activity: tourists looking for the coffee and beignets in the French Quarter, busy executives and employees in the CBD in for their morning pick-me-up, artists looking for inspiration in the afternoon, and of course, hospitality and service industry workers needing a jolt to get through their long day. New Orleans coffee shops are busier than ever. Unfortunately, the profits those shops make don’t always translate to better salaries for the hardworking shop employees.

The Red Pelican

August 1, 2018

In June of 2014, as a part of their fact-finding tour of America and after coordinating with a political operative from Texas, Aleksandra Krylova and Anna Bogacheva, both Russian nationals, made a stop in Louisiana, according to the allegations listed in an indictment handed down by Special Counsel Robert Mueller this February.

Grace, Humility, Dignity, and Class: Demario Davis Has Made the New Orleans Saints Winners in More Ways Than One

August 1, 2018

Regardless of whatever your political views are, the recent crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border regarding the separation of migrant children from their parents while seeking freedom, political asylum, and eventual U.S. citizenship has become one of epic proportions. In any event, the policy was and is a bad one — and NFL star and New Orleans Saints starting middle linebacker Demario Davis had decided that he had seen enough.

Pressing Forward

August 1, 2018

Nowadays, if I were to grade myself on a liberal spectrum, I’d be midway between standard Democrat and outright Dem-socialist, which probably makes Our Revolution the best match for me, honestly. No, I’m not a “Bernie Bro”. I voted for Hillary and would make that selection again anytime. As I continue to learn about myself, I’ll make mistakes and successes for sure. But at least I won’t be able to say that I wasn’t looking forward, pressing onward and upward.

Medical Marijuana in Louisiana

August 1, 2018

We live in Louisiana. We live in a state where there are no laws prohibiting workplace, in school, or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Yes, we live in Louisiana, so no, marijuana is not legalized for recreational use at this time. But! Not all hope is lost.

Spirituality and Kindness

August 1, 2018

Saturday night, I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with Drew Varick; a thespian/actor featured on American Horror Story's "Freak Show." When first encountering Drew; his appearance and stride gives off the impression of a classy entertainer who has his shit together.

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