Federal Judge Strikes Down New Orleans Mural Requirements

July 12, 2019

Editor’s note:  This post was originally published July 9th on the ACLU of Louisiana website. It has been republished with permission from ACLU of Louisiana. NEW ORLEANS– A federal judge today struck down New Orleans’ mural permitting requirements, ruling that requiring property owners to submit proposed murals for “advance review and approval” is a violation […]

Ann Marie Sorrell Takes Over Essence Fest Bookstore

July 6, 2019

Ann Marie Sorrell, Jamaican born philanthropist, author, award-winning business leader and entrepreneurial woman, will make her second debut at the 2019 Essence Festival in New Orleans. Sorrell’s book, Chronicles of a Serial Dater was chosen to be sold and displayed during Essence Fest in their popular bookstore as part of the Convention Center festivities. In […]

Essence Festival 2019: Beyond The Music

July 1, 2019

The 2019 Annual Essence Festival continues its track of expansion in audience, scope, and influence – both on social and economic levels.  Last years event brought in well over 500,000 attendees and $280 million in city revenue. The four-day event incorporates more of Louisiana’s black and minority-owned businesses via initiatives created by Essence’s new black […]

Celebrating New Orleans’ Young Entrepreneurs

June 30, 2019

The youth of New Orleans has been in the news a lot lately. With the recent announcements of Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s new juvenile justice initiative and the implementation of a citywide curfew, some residents have become concerned that the reputation of New Orleans’ children is being skewed unnecessarily negatively. “As a city, we should be […]

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