Trump Removes Radcliff from Possible Director of National Intelligence Position, Nominates LaPlace’s Bill E. Goat

August 4, 2019

After declining to make Daniel Radcliff (R-Weasel) Director of National Intelligence, it has fallen to St. John the Baptist Parish’s own Bill E. Goat of LaPlace, Louisiana to be Trump’s next pick as intelligence head.  Radcliff was dropped after Congress and the media accused him of padding his resume. Members questioned if he really had […]

Uniquely New Orleans: A Guide to Short-Term Potholes

July 31, 2019

Property values continue to skyrocket, and as Airbnbs turn the city into one big short-term rental, everyone’s rent is going up as well. However, many smart New Orleanians are discovering a great solution to both Long-Term Rentals and Short-Term Rentals(STRs) as well. Or as Jeffrey Rogers put it, “After STRs took over my neighborhood, I […]

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