CUTTING THROUGH WHITE NOISE: Councilman Gregory Carroll on Taking a Stand Against the Nike Ban

September 13, 2018

After a tumultuous week in the scandalous world of Kenner politics, Mayor Ben Zahn has rescinded his attempt to ban city money from being used on Nike branded products. The ban was immediately criticized by a member of Kenner’s City Council, Gregory Carroll, as well as New Orleans Mayor  Latoya Cantrell. The “ban” came only […]

Her Platform

September 1, 2018

This month, we have an interview with Democratic congressional candidate Tammy Savoie. I chat with her about the personality she carries, the ideas she has and her overall spirit for this state and country.

The Caucus That Said It All

September 1, 2018

It was towards the end of the closing session of the New Orleans Netroots Nation 2018 live stream on Facebook when a group of activists took the stage suddenly. Holding signs reading “#BlackAssCaucus”, a member began to speak before the podium and stunned the liberals/progressives in attendance both physically and virtually.

Women Owned and Operated Businesses: Critical to New Orleans

September 1, 2018

I feel lucky to have found other female entrepreneurs all over this city to inspire my efforts. All of these said entrepreneurs have dealt with setbacks and tribulations connected to their gender. Though they don’t deserve an ounce of their adversity, all of the women I spoke with push through these times, and work to keep themselves, and fellow females standing tall.

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