Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: NOLA Community Groups Caution Citizens of Minneapolis About Consent Decree Process & Monitors

March 7, 2024

Two New Orleans community organizations recently sent a letter to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and the Minneapolis NAACP warning them about what to expect from the monitors that have been selected to oversee a police Consent Decree in that city and recommending that community input is necessary for the Consent Decree’s long-term success. New Orleans […]

We’ll give you $400k if the victim stops cooperating with the police investigation

August 7, 2023

JEFFERSON PARISH (SCSA) The V.M. Wheeler case has always been peculiar and sparked our interest. Wheeler, an Attorney and a Catholic Deacon in the New Orleans Archdiocese, died of pancreatic cancer just months into serving a sentence of probation. He was originally charged with 1st Degree Rape of a Child Under 13, using a weapon. […]

Opinion: In the 11th Hour, New Orleans Archdiocese Hands Over Sealed Documents

June 19, 2023

This article was originally published on Big Easy Magazine was given permission to publish by author, Richard Windmann, Ph.D. It would seem that we finally have a champion on our side. And the documents they handed over to the DA better be complete, because we WILL find out. We think it is very notable […]

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