Independent Police Monitor Report Details Police Corruption in Batiste/Banks Confrontation

October 4, 2022

In an 18-page report, the OIPM identified numerous instances where NOPD officials repeatedly attempted to intimidate Batiste, provided preferential treatment to Banks, produced inconsistent reports with multiple errors, omissions and contradictory statements, and covered up conflicts of interest by failing to thoroughly and properly investigate Batiste’s many well-founded allegations.

Choices Again Narrow As Ban on Abortion Will Soon Be Back in Place

July 31, 2022

In his ongoing quest to ensure Louisiana women do not have access to safe abortions, Attorney General Jeff Landry convinced a three-judge panel of the 1st Circuit Court of Appeal to reinstate the “trigger ban” on abortions on July 29. The ban is expected to take effect almost immediately. The abortion clinics and doctors who are the plaintiffs in the case also have the option to mount an appeal with the Louisiana Supreme Court. Attorneys for the abortion providers were disappointed that the court did not allow them to file opposition to Landry’s motion.

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