Gov. Edwards Vetoes Slate of Anti-LGBTQ Bills

July 5, 2023

Late last week, Edwards vetoed a version of Florida's so-called "Don't Say Gay" law (HB 466), the "Stop Harming Our Kids Act" (HB 648), which would have banned gender-affirming care for transgender children, and the "Given Name Act" (HB 81), which would required school employees to use only the name and pronouns on a student's birth certificate without written permission from a parent or guardian.

LGBT Community Center Seeks New Home After Vandalism

January 20, 2023

The LGBT Community Center of New Orleans is looking for a new home after the exterior of the Center’s administrative office and program space located at 2727 S. Broad Street was vandalized late last summer and the property management company is demanding payment for those and other repairs, according to Santos Rodriguez, the Center’s interim president. In an attempt to enter the site after hours, thieves smashed the building’s two large storm windows. Though the perpetrators were not able to break through the industrial-strength glass, repair costs for the windows and the HVAC system, which had also recently gone out, are estimated at $6,000. In addition the Center is several months in arrears on the building’s rent. Both the NOPD and the FBI were contacted after the vandalism. No arrests were made.

CANS Can’t Stand, Exposes Controversial Law and Trans Activists Fighting For It’s Repeal in Documentary

June 3, 2022

For forty years, police and prosecutors have weaponized Louisiana’s Crime Against Nature by Solicitation (CANS) law to terrorize queer/trans Louisianians.  A documentary by filmmakers Matt Nadel and Megan Plotka entitled CANS Can’t Stand follows a group of Black trans women in New Orleans who are fighting to repeal that law—and advance trans liberation across the […]

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