How NOLA Got “Color TV”

February 28, 2022

HOW NOLA GOT “COLOR TV” by FURNELL CHATMAN Retired Reporter/Anchor New——Different——Engaging——Emotional. Those are some of the key factors that usually determine what or who gets on TV. In my case, there was an over-abundance of them all. The “N-word” was the very first word yelled at me when I arrived for work as the first […]

Little League of New Orleans Announces Opening of Baseball Registration for the 2022 Season

January 26, 2022

New Orleans, La. – Little League of New Orleans (LLONO), the local affiliate of Little  League International®, is pleased to announce the opening of registration for baseball  for the 2022 season. The teams will play at our home field, Miss Pat Taylor Field at Ursuline Academy, at 2635 State St. in New Orleans.   LLONO offers […]

Your Go to List of Events Happening in the Crescent City for New Years Eve

December 27, 2021

Since it’s been an…interesting two years, it’s no surprise that people are ready to ring in 2022 in style. Because everything was shut down for New Year’s Eve last year, it seems like everyone has plans to start 2022 right. There are parties and fancy dinners happening everywhere; if you’re like me, you never think […]

This New Orleans Company Sells Legal THC Gummies

December 14, 2021

Last week, Crescent Canna, one of the most prominent CBD companies in Louisiana, became the first New Orleans company to register legal THC products with the Louisiana Department of Health. These products contain Delta-8 THC, a naturally occurring cannabinoid with psychoactive effects that are similar to but milder than those of Delta-9 THC, its better-known […]

The Will and the Way Opens in the French Quarter in Effort To Draw Locals With New Casual Bar and Dining Experience

November 10, 2021

The Will and the Way, the much-anticipated bar from the LeBlanc + Smith hospitality group, opened on October 15th in the spot that used to be occupied by Longway Tavern, also from LeBlanc + Smith. Robért LeBlanc and Liam Deegan are partners in the venture. General manager Bar Amar, executive chef Josh Williams, and bar […]

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