ColombiaNola Fest with Brayan Caceres, Los Cumbia Stars & Rumba Buena

ColombiaNola Fest with Brayan Caceres, Los Cumbia Stars & Rumba Buena


July 20, 2024    
3:00 pm - 10:00 pm


The Broadside
600 North Broad Street, New Orleans, LA, 70119
Map Unavailable

Brayan Caceres who will make us dance with his great orchestra the best of salsa, Vallenato champeta and more sounds 100% Colombian, as special guests from Colombia will have Los Cumbia Stars if you missed them at the Jazz fest this is the opportunity to see them again and the infaltable presentation from Rumba Buena

Ask for your tickets and don’t miss this great Colombian celebration at the Broadside NOLA


Ticket Price$35.00-$40.00

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