Louisiana Detention Facility Mistreats Sick Immigrants as COVID-19 Spreads

July 23, 2020

A Richwood, Louisiana, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility, run by LaSalle Corrections, has seen a rash of Covid-19 cases. LaSalle Corrections is a privately-owned company that has businesses in Texas and Georgia, as well as in Louisiana.  According to whistleblowers, the Covid-19 outbreak has been handled with lies, deceit, and apathy that goes […]

How Assignment Help is Beneficial for Students

May 19, 2020

Online assignment help service is indeed the best and certainly the most useful tool for students who are always burdened with homework and assignments. Almost every day and every week, the student gets new assignments and homework. Sometimes the load is so high that it almost gets impossible for them to complete the tasks in […]

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