The Rise and Decline of America’s Middle Class: A Tale of Policy, Purchasing Power, and Inequality

August 18, 2024

In the decades following World War II, the United States witnessed unprecedented economic growth and prosperity that significantly benefited middle- and working-class Americans. From the late 1940s through the 1970s, the American Dream seemed more attainable than ever. As wages increased, homeownership expanded, and the purchasing power of the average worker was robust. However, this […]

Lynda Woolard Discusses Her New Progressive Podcast, Louisiana Lefty, in an Interview With Big Easy Magazine

May 5, 2021

Danae Columbus caught up with veteran campaign organizer and strategist, Lynda Woolard, the day after the second congressional district race to ask her about her new podcast for progressives. Louisiana Lefty can be heard on multiple podcast platforms, and can be found at LouisianaLefty.Rocks. Louisiana Lefty’s stated goal is “to democratize information, demystify party politics, […]

Democrats are United and Ready for War

April 15, 2020

Prolonging the Democratic primaries while we are trying to defeat Donald Trump is just like wasting time in-fighting with our allies while the greatest threat we all face enjoys a strategic advance over his opponents. The enemy is garnering universal support from his party much sooner, lending him an early advantage in the general election. […]

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