Auto Insurance Should be Allowed to Discriminate Against Women, Widows, Insurance Commissioner Says

May 14, 2020

On May 12, 2020, at the Louisiana State Legislature, Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon boldly stated that automobile insurance companies should be able to charge women higher rates. “Racial discrimination is unfair discrimination,” he said, “gender discrimination is fair discrimination.” For all those who asked yesterday, here’s the video of Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon saying […]

Louisiana Republicans Disagree with President’s Plan to Reopen State Economy; Trump Praises Governor Edwards

May 2, 2020

On April 28, 2020, the Bayou Brief received an internal memo from Louisiana GOP political operative Jay Connaughton, addressed to Republican state Sen. Sharon Hewitt of Slidell, which was shared with other Louisiana Republican legislators. The memo outlined a series of talking points aimed at undermining Governor John Bel Edwards emergency orders to shut the […]

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