Bernie Wins Inauguration

January 22, 2021

At last, on January 20th, Bernie mania finally swept the world. The media, the citizens, they all finally came to appreciate Bernie—as a meme.  No, we will likely never see a Bernie Sanders Presidency. However, Bernie will live in our hearts as the curmudgeonly adorable, recycled mittens-wearing man, sitting “comfortably” in a chair, with a […]

Democrats are United and Ready for War

April 15, 2020

Prolonging the Democratic primaries while we are trying to defeat Donald Trump is just like wasting time in-fighting with our allies while the greatest threat we all face enjoys a strategic advance over his opponents. The enemy is garnering universal support from his party much sooner, lending him an early advantage in the general election. […]

International Trans Day of Visibility Still Celebrated Despite Quarantine

March 31, 2020

As holidays and celebrations worldwide are put on hold amidst the coronavirus pandemic, trans and nonbinary individuals cannot take off their identities in a crisis. March 31, 2020 marks the twelfth annual international Trans Day of Visibility, and organizers are taking pains to recognize the achievements and struggles of trans and nonbinary individuals while practicing […]

Bernie Sanders Announces 2020 Candidacy

February 19, 2019

In an email to his supporters on Tuesday, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) officially announced that he will run for president again in 2020. “I am writing to let you know I have decided to run for president of the United States,” Sanders wrote. “I am asking you to join me today as part of an […]

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