Juan’s Flying Burrito Includes “Black Lives Matter” on Its Receipts Causing Controversy and Earning Praise

January 28, 2021

You’re likely to find something you didn’t order on your receipt at Juan’s Flying Burrito, but if you’re not a bigot it’s unlikely you’ll be unhappy about it.  The popular New Orleans restaurant, famous for its decadent nachos and unbelievable burritos, decided to make a statement at the bottom of its checks, adding the message […]

“There Are No Real Rules” Louisiana Task Force Approves Lenient Officer Shooting Internal Investigation Regulations

January 21, 2021

On Thursday, the Police Training, Screening, and De-escalation Task Force approved numerous new regulations that they believe will enable better policing in Louisiana.  Their longest debate centered around whether law enforcement agencies should be allowed to internally investigate when their officer’s shoot people and it results in a death or serious injury.  The Task Force […]

Movie Review: American Skin

January 19, 2021

Nate Parker returns to directing with this suspenseful film about one of the most polarizing topics in the contemporary United States, the extrajudicial killing of black people by law enforcement. The film takes the viewer on an emotional journey but fails to deliver a cathartic release that would have made it a monumental work of […]

Donald Rouse of Rouses at Trump Rally While Breaux Mart Owner Shares Antifa Conspiracy Theories

January 7, 2021

Update: Breaux Mart has since responded. Donald Rouse, Sr. has also responded. In surprising news, Donald Rouse, Sr. Co-owner of Rouses Super Market, was seen in Washington D.C., along with former Rouses Human Resources Director Steve Galtier to protest the election of President-Elect Joe Biden. According to a tweet by Lamar White of the Bayou […]

Reasons for Supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement

July 24, 2020

  Sparked by the death of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement has become a polarizing discourse worldwide. It’s understandable—the campaign raises issues about personal biases that are uncomfortable to acknowledge.    The situation is unpleasant because there’s truth to the idea that everyone is biased in some way. Even if you feel that you’re […]

The Rise of the Social Justice Warrior

July 24, 2020

  Today’s P.C. police have taken on a public mantle, and political correctness has taken on a new persona. These passionate people claim to represent the social conscience of our times, but are they taking things too far?  In this post, we’ll explore the rise of the social justice warrior, and whether they are hurting […]

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