Let’s Set The Record Straight

March 17, 2023

It is with great concern that I must address the recent attacks on my character.  It has become abundantly clear that Voice of the Ex-Offender / Voters Organized to Educate (VOTE) does NOT advocate for redemption and support for formerly incarcerated individuals, as they claim. Instead of applauding the candidacy of a formerly incarcerated woman […]

Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition Correct Misinformation

September 28, 2021

Leaders of OPPRC reached out to their supporters yesterday to correct any misconceptions members might have had about the Help Not Handcuffs (HNH) campaign based on inaccurate information published in a recent article in by Antigravity Magazine. OPPRC’s Sade Dumas voiced strong concerns about the article’s “false and wildly malicious statements.” The story directly named […]

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