
October 31, 2018

Join this week's featured fiction writer, Camille as she explores the horrors of Radiation on the human body and psyche.

Crescent Calling

October 17, 2018

Because there was fracture and friction, I sang. Caught in a prism of pastel pains, punctured through and through with dull threaded needles of dread and suffering, a product of the nimble fingers of sinners seeking absolution, a patchwork child. I remember the soft, gentle ache of a sad thing, the warm shadows of mourning […]

The Fog

October 3, 2018

Come autumn and the edges of things would coarsen and go brittle thin with the cold. The downy milkweeds and fleshy mosses took on a lustrous, metallic sheen, and the tips of our eyelashes would snap and blanket our pillows like brown evergreen needles on snow. Blackened branches scratched silently across bright, chalky skies. Ours […]

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