Reasons for Supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement

July 24, 2020

  Sparked by the death of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement has become a polarizing discourse worldwide. It’s understandable—the campaign raises issues about personal biases that are uncomfortable to acknowledge.    The situation is unpleasant because there’s truth to the idea that everyone is biased in some way. Even if you feel that you’re […]

Opinion: Question the Why, then Understand it

June 1, 2020

As a person that grew up in a modest middle-class home in Memphis, I was never short on anything I needed. Whether it was support from my mom despite her working two jobs along with my grandmother or the fact that I had name brand clothes and shoes, I don’t ever recall a time in […]

Proposed Senate Bill Hopes to Force Genital Examination Trans High School Athletes

March 14, 2020

As the Louisiana State Legislature convened for its first week of the Regular Session, a number of issues promise to take the political stage. While the regular topics like equal pay, coastal restoration, education, tort reform, and civil rights characterize much of the proposed legislation, one Senator is apparently concerned about another issue: the genitals […]

Louisiana to create statewide Civil Rights Trail

April 15, 2019

Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser’s office is holding meetings across the state later this month and in May to choose locations for a Civil Rights Trail in Louisiana. Nungesser’s office, which oversees tourism efforts, says the trail will tell visitors about Louisiana’s role in the civil rights movement. The meetings are to get “a full appreciation” […]

The Caucus That Said It All

September 1, 2018

It was towards the end of the closing session of the New Orleans Netroots Nation 2018 live stream on Facebook when a group of activists took the stage suddenly. Holding signs reading “#BlackAssCaucus”, a member began to speak before the podium and stunned the liberals/progressives in attendance both physically and virtually.

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