Pride on Film: The New Louisiana LGBT Film Festival
June 17, 2019
Seeking “to hear voices from all members of the LGBT Community and allies,” at the end of June the Louisiana LGBT Film Festival will launch on June 28.
Seeking “to hear voices from all members of the LGBT Community and allies,” at the end of June the Louisiana LGBT Film Festival will launch on June 28.
At the Tulane School of Public Health in May, WHIV will present a film festival dedicated to providing information on health care from various perspectives.
It's a film festival with a mission. It's a collective of our local best & brightest in cinema. It's an effort to instigate change and enlighten minds.
New Orleans has several groups that provide excellent service to our moviegoing culture. Perhaps we can lead the charge in an industry thinking differently?
Wooden Boat Fesitval, Walk for the UNCF, and more events on both sides of the river and both sides of the lake.
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